델 공홈에서 주문한 물건에 대해 페이먼트 이슈가 있다고 메일이 날아왔습니다 . 같은내용으로 두번째네요;;;
We’ve encountered a payment issue.
We are unable to process payment for this order using the provided
payment method. We will attempt to authorize your order again on the following
business day, and we’ll contact you if there’s still a problem. Please note
that a delay in payment processing may delay your order shipment. You can check
your -------------- anytime.
If you’d like to use a different form of payment, you can chat with a Dell sales representative Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 6 p.m., or call 877-819-3355,
델은 카드 가리기로 아주 유명합니다.
친절한 답변 감사드립니다.
빌링인포 임의로 배대지주소 입력하는것 말고
아... 그런 좋은 서비스가 있군요