어제인가 그저께인가 매일 확인하다보니
10여일전 핫딜이었던 스타일러스펜 판매자에게 메일이 와 있더군요.
어떻게 한국인들이 많이 구입했는지 알수 있을까요?..
Dear customer,
We are so sorry for disturbing you.
We found that many Koreans bought a 99% discount stylus pen in our shop on October 20th.
Is it recommended by friends?
Could you possibly contact your friends by group to return our goods?
If yes, we will be very grateful.
Waiting for your soon reply.
10여일전 핫딜이었던 스타일러스펜 판매자에게 메일이 와 있더군요.
어떻게 한국인들이 많이 구입했는지 알수 있을까요?..
Dear customer,
We are so sorry for disturbing you.
We found that many Koreans bought a 99% discount stylus pen in our shop on October 20th.
Is it recommended by friends?
Could you possibly contact your friends by group to return our goods?
If yes, we will be very grateful.
Waiting for your soon reply.
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