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Amazon 일하는 모습 구경하기 (영상)
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작성일: 2018-10-13 02:13:21 조회: 1,420  /  추천: 0  /  반대: 0  /  댓글: 0 ]


3편의 영상이 바로 안 뜨면 새로고침하세요.

Inside An Amazon Warehouse On Cyber Monday - YouTube

Published on Nov 28, 2016
Every holiday season, Amazon ships millions of packages to customers all over the world. But how are they able to ship everything so quickly while keeping prices down? We got a look inside one of Amazon's California fulfillment centers to see how it all works.

How Amazon Receives Your Inventory - YouTube

Published on Dec 23, 2013
Take a tour of an Amazon fulfillment center and see how our Associates receive your inventory from your inbound shipments. You will also learn what happens when your shipments are missing vital prep, labels or packaging or are otherwise not e-Commerce ready.

Amazon tour: What happens after you place that order - YouTube

Published on Aug 13, 2015
An inside look at the Amazon Fulfillment Center in Coppell. After you place an order online, employees here work to find, pack and ship the item to you.

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