John mayer - assassin > 음악포럼

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John mayer - assassin
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작성일: 2017-03-12 09:25:58 조회: 713  /  추천: 0  /  반대: 0  /  댓글: 0 ]



I work in the dead of night

When the roads are quiet
No one is around
To track my moves

Race in the end of lights
To find the gate is open
She's waiting in the room
I just slip on through

You get in
You get done
And then you get gone
You never leave a trace or show your face
You get gone

Should have turned around
And left before the sun came up again
But the sun came up again

Enter the morning light
To find the day is burning the curtains and the wine
In a little white room
No, I'm not alone
Her head is heavy on me
She's sleeping like a child
What could I do?

You get in
You get done
And then you get gone
You never leave a trace or show your face
You get gone

Should have turned around
And left before the sun came up again
But the sun came up again

I was a killer, was the best they'd ever seen
I'd steal your heart before you ever heard a thing
I'm an assassin and I had a job to do
Little did I know that girl was an assassin too

Suddenly I'm in over my head and I can hardly breathe
Suddenly I'm floating over her bed and I feel everything
Suddenly I know exactly what I did, but I cannot move a thing
Suddenly I know exactly what I'd done and what it's gonna mean to me, mean to me
I'm gone

I was a killer, was the best they'd ever seen
I'd steal your heart before you ever heard a thing
I'm an assassin and I had a job to do
Little did I know that girl was an assassin too

She's an assassin
She's an assassin
She's an assassin 

She's an assassin and she had a job to do 

추천 0 반대 0


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