쿨러마스터 SK 시리즈 무료 키캡 (시리얼넘버 필요) > 컴퓨터포럼

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쿨러마스터 SK 시리즈 무료 키캡 (시리얼넘버 필요)
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작성일: 2020-03-22 01:52:05 조회: 1,169  /  추천: 0  /  반대: 0  /  댓글: 0 ]


체리 MX LP 스위치를 사용한

쿨러마스터 SK 시리즈 키보드... 평평-한 키캡을 써서 엄청난 원성을 들었죠.


키캡을 한정 수량 무료로 푼다고 합니다.


시리얼 넘버가 필요하고,

보니까 국내 직배송도 해줄 수 있을 것 같네요..?






Own an SK Series Keyboard? Get Your Free Replacement Keycaps Here!





Cooler Master SK Series

The SK Series represents the total package of innovation, design, and functionality that we strive for every day. But feedback is our lifeblood. According to you, our fans, the typing experience could have been improved. And that’s exactly what we’ve done with these new keycaps. We’ve heard your animated, passionate responses across the Interwebs loud and clear. 



We’re giving out replacement keycaps for any SK Series owners who want them - for free.

  • No catch.

  • No “free but actually microtransactions.”

  • No “free but we’ll spam the hell out of you for months on end.”


추천 0 반대 0


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