ebay bucks 8% reward > 해외핫딜

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ebay bucks 8% reward
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작성일: 2017-05-30 21:26:13 조회: 3,809  /  추천: 1  /  반대: 0  /  댓글: 6 ]



Who’s eligible?

Only invited, registered eBay Bucks participants who receive the promotional offer from eBay in My Messages are eligible. Sorry, no forwarding—the offer is not transferable.

  • 8% in eBay Bucks on every Qualifying Purchase
Promotion details

The Promotion starts at 5:00AM PT on May 30, 2017, and ends at 11:59PM PT on June 1, 2017 (the "Promotion Period"). Extra eBay Bucks can only be earned on every single item purchased that meets the minimum purchase requirement specified in the offer (a "Qualifying Purchase"). Promotion is valid on multiple Qualifying Purchases made within the Promotion Period. In order to qualify for the offer, you must click the activate link.

*Qualifying Purchases exclude all items in the following categories: Classifieds, Business & Industrial, but only for Heavy Equipment within that category, Real Estate, Gift Cards & Coupons (including eBay Gift Cards, Gift Cards, and Digital Gifts within that category), Bullion (within the Coins & Paper category), and all categories in Motors, except Parts & Accessories.

Rewards are capped at $100 per transaction and $500 per Earn Period. Purchases must be completed during the Promotion Period and paid for with PayPal before the Promotion ends. eBay reserves the right to cancel, amend, or revoke the Promotion at any time. Other restrictions apply. See Terms & Conditions for details.

Activate the offer now./8​

추천 1 반대 0


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