아마존 결제 승인후 취소 어떻게 해야할까요? > 자유게시판

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아마존 결제 승인후 취소 어떻게 해야할까요?
쪽지보내기 자기소개 아이디로 검색

작성일: 2017-12-21 19:06:35 조회: 764  /  추천: 1  /  반대: 0  /  댓글: 3 ]


얼마전 소닉케어2 직배로 21달러인가 샀는데

이거 어시스턴스 받고 할인할려면.. 

가족계정을 하나 파서. 결제했는데.. 


일단 어머니껄로 계정파서.. 어시스턴스 할인받고 

결제는 제꺼 카드로 했어요..머..통관번호도 제꺼로

하긴했는데 맨처음 승인문자 날라오더만.다음날 결제 

취소 문자가 난라오네요. 아놔....아마존 문의해본결과..

일단 자기들은 그럴 권한없다고 은행이나 카드사 

물어보라고..그래서 카드사 물어봤더만. 자기들은 그런적없다고.. 



첫번째 아마존 문의한 메일 답장입니다.


My name is Aman from Amazon Customer Support.

I'm sorry to hear that your payment was approved but then declined.

When a buyer places an order with Amazon or with an Amazon seller, we contact their bank to confirm that their payment method is valid. At that time, we request an authorization for the amount of the purchase, but we do not proceed with the charge. This is one of the security measures we use to protect Amazon sellers.

We cannot cancel authorizations. And banks can hold authorizations for 7 to 10 business days. It is likely that the buyer's bank is holding the authorization we requested for this order.

We're unable to determine why your bank declined our attempt to charge your card. A charge can fail for many reasons, here are some things to check:

- Have you entered the credit card number correctly, without any transposed digits?
- Have you entered the correct expiration date? Has the date expired?
- Have you entered the billing address and phone number that match those associated with your credit card?
- Have you exceeded your credit limit?
- Has your credit card recently been reissued with a different credit card number and/or expiration date?

You may want to contact your issuing bank to ask about their restrictions regar 

일단 위에 확인해보라는건 다해봤는데..잘못된것은 

없는것같아서 다시 아마존에 문의 해보니..



I understand you're concerned about cancelling authorization.

After reviewing your previous correspondence with our customer service, I can confirm the information provided to you was correct. As my colleague mentioned, when a buyer places an order with Amazon or with an Amazon seller, we contact their bank to confirm that their payment method is valid. At that time, we request an authorization for the amount of the purchase, but we do not proceed with the charge. This is one of the security measures we use to protect Amazon sellers.

We cannot cancel authorizations. And banks can hold authorizations for 7 to 10 business days. It is likely that the buyer's bank is holding the authorization we requested for this order.

You'll need to contact your bank for assistance. They can tell you why funds on your account may be unavailable and clarify how long they hold payment authorizations for online orders.

Settlement Verification Codexxxxxxx

I realize this is frustrating; however we aren't able to offer any additional insight or action on this matter


등으로 다시 오긴했습니다 먼 코드를 하나 주긴했는데

정확히 무엇을 뜻하는지도 모르겠구요.

아 물론 원래 코드 번호에는 일정 번호가 쓰여있었지만.

공개하면 안될것같아서 xxx로 일단 처리했습니다..



추천 1 반대 0


주문 자체가 취소 된게 아니면 배송 시작할 때 다시 승인 나는 경우도 있습니다.

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블락 당할수도있다고해서 그냥 취소시켰습니다.에효..

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저는 그냥 다른 카드로 다시 결제 했더니 승인 다시 나고 지금 배송중이예요.

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