▶ 친일 일뽕 썅놈 새끼, 『 독도를 일본에 넘기려고... 』 > 자유게시판

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▶ 친일 일뽕 썅놈 새끼, 『 독도를 일본에 넘기려고... 』
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작성일: 2024-05-10 20:55:58 조회: 540  /  추천: 0  /  반대: 0  /  댓글: 0 ]



위 PDF 문서는

샌프란시스코 강화조약 (Treaty of San Francisco) 영어 원본입니다.

여기 단 한 번도 TAKESHIMA 다케시마 (독도의 일본식 표현) 라는 말은 안 나옵니다.

친일 일뽕 썅놈 새끼

다케시마 TAKESHIMA 가 일본 영토라고 써 있다고

TAKESHIMA , territory 이 2개의 단어가 들어간 가짜 영어 텍스트 문장을 써서
저한테 보여주며
댓글 싸움합니다.

제가 영어 원본 제시하라고 반복 말했는데, 계속 TAKESHIMA , territory 이 단어 들어간 문장을 제시합니다.

친일파 개새끼는 속임수 쓰며 독도를 일본에 넘기려 합니다.....

일본이 처 먹은 땅에 대한 권리를 포기한다는 내용이고, 독도는 일본 땅이라는 문장은 전혀 안 나옴.


Article 2

(a) Japan, recognizing the independence of Korea, renounces all right, title and claim to Korea, including the islands of Quelpart, Port Hamilton and Dagelet. (b) Japan renounces all right, title and claim to Formosa and the Pescadores. (c) Japan renounces all right, title and claim to the Kurile Islands, and to that portion of Sakhalin and the islands adjacent to it over which Japan acquired sovereignty as a consequence of the Treaty of Portsmouth of September 5, 1905. 1 (d) Japan renounces all right, title and claim in connection with the League of Nations Mandate System, and accepts the action of the United Nations Security Council of April 2, 1947, extending the trusteeship system to the Pacific Islands formerly under mandate to Japan. 1 (e) Japan renounces all claim to any right or title to or interest in connection with any part of the Antarctic area, whether deriving from the activities of Japanese nationals or otherwise. (f) Japan renounces all right, title and claim to the Spratly Islands and to the Paracel Islands.

Article 3

Japan will concur in any proposal of the United States to the United Nations to place under its trusteeship system, with the United States as the sole ad ministering authority, Nansei Shoto south of 29 north latitude (including the Ryukyu Islands and the Daito Islands), Nanpo Shoto south of Sofu Gan (including the Bonin Islands, Rosario Island and the Volcano Islands) and Parece Vela and Marcus Island. Pending the making of such a proposal and affirmative action thereon, the United States will have the right to exercise all and any powers of administration, legislation and jurisdiction over the territory and inhabitants of these islands, including their territorial waters.

Article 4

(a) Subject to the provisions of paragraph (V) of this Article, the disposition of property of Japan and of its nationals in the areas referred to in Article 2, and their claims, including debts, against the authorities presently administering such areas and the residents (including juridical persons) thereof, and the disposi tion in Japan of property of such authorities and residents, and of claims, including ; debts, of such authorities and residents against. Japan and its nationals, shall be the subject of special arrangements between Japan and such authorities. The property of any of the Allied Powers or its nationals in the areas referred to in Article 2 shall, in so far as this has not already been done, be returned by the ad ministering authority in the condition in which it now exists. (The term nationals whenever used in the present Treaty includes juridical persons.) (b) Japan recognizes the validity of dispositions of property of Japan and Japanese nationals made by or pursuant to directives of the United States Military Government in any of the areas referred to in Articles 2 and 3. (c) Japanese-owned submarine cables connecting Japan with territory removed from Japanese control pursuant to the present Treaty shall be equally divided, Japan retaining the Japanese terminal and adjoining half of the cable, and the detached territory the remainder of the cable and connecting terminal lacilities.

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